Thursday 28 April 2016


This type of mastery will revolutionize your sex life!

The most obvious benefit is a huge increase in sexual pleasure!
Sexual pleasure is ecstatic energy. It indicates that the situation is safe for you to relax, let go and enjoy the fruits of life.
Sexual pleasure can empower you to open your heart and reach out lovingly to others.
Of course, sexual pleasure is healing and rejuvenating, but what is still unknown to many of you, and what this course will reveal, is that extended orgasmic bliss can broaden your spiritual perspective and be a vehicle to higher consciousness.

Unfortunately and contrary to what some of you would like to believe, you don’t come into this world naturally good at sex, or sexual relationships.
Perhaps that might be a relief to those of you who have experienced sexual difficulties and feared that there was something wrong with you.
We want you to know that it’s not your fault since very few of you have received proper instruction in the sexual arts.
Much of what you’ve learned about sex has come to you from highly questionable sources like:
  • Parents
  • Unknowing family and friends
  • Pornography
  • The street
  • The marketplace
  • And most, if not all, of your hands-on sexual experiences have been with “untrained” lovers who learned whatever it is they know about sex from the same unreliable sources.
 We want you to know that if you suffer from:
  • Insecurity
  • Vulnerability
  • A lack confidence when having sex with a partner
  • Performance anxiety
  • A lack of sexual desire
  • An inability to become aroused
  • Premature male ejaculation
  • Erectile dysfunction
Applying the sexual secrets that this course reveals will transform your life, and not just in the bedroom, but in every area of your life.

There are only a handful of knowledgeable people teaching the principles of ecstatic lovemaking.
Such an important subject in “The School of Life,”  but until now, there have been so few opportunities for you to learn these sexual secrets, especially in the privacy of your own home.
That being the case, it’s not surprising that the art of conscious sex is one about which the majority of sexually active people appear to be relatively clueless, but we hope to change that.
This is the course that Aimée and I wish was available to us when we began our journey into the sexual mysteries many years ago!
This course represents a monumental paradigm shift in your sexual education.

One of our goals for this course is to:
  • Inspire within each of you a reinterpretation of your sexual behavior, especially for men.

Unfortunately, male sexuality has been incorrectly focused on the shortsighted goal of ejaculation for far too long.
It may seem counter-intuitive, but accomplished male lovers develop sexual potency, ecstatic pleasure and an entryway into the world of spiritual sex by withholding ejaculation.
Perhaps the most destructive male sexual myth is that “coming” is the highest expression of male sexual power and virility.

Now is the time for the men on this planet to begin to see their sexual behavior in a vastly different light.
Here’s why!

When men come, unlike women, they lose vital energy.
We’ve all heard how women hate it when men roll over and go to sleep as soon as they have finished having sex, but few people ever mention that the loss of vital energy from male ejaculation is the culprit.

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